Project Parameters


Project Scope

Creating an Exhibition through Provocation : 

Exhibitions must convey an emotional experience to inspire action. Dynamic, relevant and interactive environments are necessary to engage visitors, promote self-learning and discovery. An established dialogue between the guest and the environment is necessary to form links, provoke curiosity, establish known and unknown relationship and ultimately pose a provocation that is thought provoking and transformative. Visitors desire a unique and rare experience. Rarity creates value. A sense of pride and satisfaction is formed from discovering something new and relevant. This can often lead to a sense of obligation to fulfill the found things purpose, especially if on the individual level - society seeks self growth and transformation.  

Visitor Focused:  Adaptation, Value, Preservation : 

The exhibition will primarily be utilized by New Yorkers who have preconceptions about immigration and will function based on pre-arranged visits. To generate a highly personalized, intimate and curated experience for each guest, a content algorithm will display content that is diverse from what each individual visitor is normally exposed to. Concealed in the center of Times Square, the secluded exhibition gives the visitor the opportunity to find, solve and discover first hand. Acquisition of a “lineage newspaper” at the summation of the visit will provide the visitors insight into their past and how it has been shaped. Fragility in the exhibit exists in the form of social dynamics and engagement within the system. Projection mapping, as a minimum viable product, will allow for anti-fragility in the project. This will provide flexibility, reconfiguration, and access to immediate feedback. The system gains from chaos as the purpose of the exhibition becomes more relevant, significant and impactful. Storylines can easily adjust and adapt to individual guests creating a valuable experience for visitors. A global connection to the exhibition will be established as a robust and seamless relationship between the physical and digital narratives of the exhibit create a clear and direct provocation to transform individual beliefs, attitudes and values. 

Vision and Desired Outcome: Impact on a Global Community: 

Through increasing cultural sensitivity, this exhibition will impact not only how New Yorkers think about immigration and culture, but will lighten immigrants cognitive load by allowing them to express and share their stories. An increase in positive experiences of immigration and assimilation will be generated as a more empathetic, aware and understanding society emerges. Visitors will relearn pre-formed ideas of immigration and western culture by addressing the root causes of cultural insensitivity instead of accepting automatic patterns of thinking and behaving. Each visitor will generate a unique storyline which will consistently conform to the same narrative trajectory path. The journey through the 11 floors of the exhibition will address unfamiliar cultures and follow a journey of evolution, transformation and impact as the cultures unite into western culture.



Value is created for not only visitors, employees and the community, but for stakeholders as well. The stakeholders find value in supporting a business that promotes cultural diversity and paves an empathetic course for the future. and NYG&B Society help provide insight and information into the lineage of the visitors. Carnegie Corporation of New York promotes the diffusion of knowledge and information, and aids in the accurate and valuable information, history and stories of immigrants. As a global multi-media company, Conde Nast has the ability to spread information and support the efforts of the exhibition through film, print and social media. Through analysis of visitor content consumption to modify the exhibition experience for each guest, Infutor finds value in the innovative use of customer behavior and patterns in a physical space and can offer valuable insight. NYC Cultural Affairs supports and encourages the exhibitions work in reframing ways of thinking and addressing implicit biases. These stakeholders understand the value and importance of immigrants in western social, economic and cultural prosperity and encourage the project addressing root causes of the problem to pave a new future.

Codes and Regulations

Built in 1904 and vacant since the 90’s, One Times Square requires work to bring it up to current building codes. Renovation of the building to house the exhibition will follow the International Building Code. It’s important to consider the NYC Planning - Zoning Resolution, “Special Midtown District” section, which states a goal “to preserve, protect and enhance the scale and character of Times Square...characterized by large illuminated signs..” The billboards will remain as a fixture on the building to preserve the ‘sense of place.’ Jamestown properties is the current owner of One Times Square.